Hamas en contra del Boycott a Israel

por Israel y Oriente Medio

Resulta paradojico que la organizacion fascista, terrorista y genocida, aplaudida y jaleada por la progresia occidental, decida llevar la contraria a la mafiosa organizacion BDS (cuyas iniciales casi  coinciden curiosamente con las iniciales de una practica erotica sadomaso) que propugna el racista boycott al pacífico estado de Israel

«Hamas Says it Wants to Buy More Electricity From Israel»

«In an interview with Turkey’s Anadolu Agency, Imad al-Daelis, economic advisor to Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniyeh, said that “[t]he agreement with the Israel Electric Company to supply additional power will help solve the crisis and will need to use the unused power plant due to lack of fuel needed to run it.”

Currently, Israel provides Gaza with more than one-third of its power needs, despite Hamas’s stated mission to destroy Israel, Israel National News reported»

Fuente: http://www.algemeiner.com/2013/11/23/hamas-says-it-wants-to-buy-more-electricity-from-israel/

Insisto, hasta Finkelstein lo reconoce: «FINKELSTEIN EXPOSES BDS MOVEMENT AS DISHONEST»

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