Archive for noviembre 24th, 2007

noviembre 24, 2007

Caricatura de Arutz Sheva

por bajurtov

Hare Krishna Olmert a su alumna Tzipi Livni: – Concentrémonos solamente en Annapolis,Annapolis,Annapolis…

noviembre 24, 2007

Turismo en Indonesia:»Preséncie amputaciones islámicas por solamente un Dólar…!»

por bajurtov

Esto lo hallé visitando el blog de mi amigo personal Augusto: NUEVA EUROPA

Indonesia: aumenta el atractivo turístico por los tribunales de Sharía
Publicado por Augusto on Noviembre 24, 2007

Para aumentar el atractivo turístico, la provincia de Aceh invita a los visitantes a presenciar los tribunales de Sharía en acción.
Como los asistentes a una corrida de toros, los turístas toman ubicación en las gradas y observan como se dan latigazos a las mujeres y como se amputan los miembros de los sentenciados. Todavía no cuenta la noticia si se han producido lapidaciones pero como el negocio está de viento en popa es posible que se agrege esa atracciónal espectaculo.

Banda Aceh, 23 Nov. (AKI) – Tourism authorities in Indonesia’s Aceh province hope that its practice of Sharia or Islamic law will attract visitors.

“We invite international tourists to visit Aceh to observe how an Islamic community lives and how the Islamic code of Sharia is applied,” said Cipta Hunai, an Aceh tourism official, in an interview with Adnkronos International (AKI).

Muslim-devout Aceh is the only province in Indonesia allowed to apply Sharia law. However observers say that the application of Sharia in the province has harmed the rights of the poor and women.

Hunai said that Sharia allowed for the development of a peaceful and secure community in Aceh which would be appreciated by tourists. He said that Sharia law in Aceh was a tourist attraction because it allowed foreigners to see a reality, that perhaps, they did not already know.

“Here the tourists can visit many mosques and see how a community lives under laws based on the Koran,” he said.

Hunai denied that public canings – which are allowed and used to punish some crimes – could shock and discourage non-Muslim tourists.

“We don’t believe that this can scare anyone. In any case, the punishments are carried out to correct Muslims who have made mistakes,” he said.

“But one must remember that these punishments are only applied to Muslims and here even the religious minority is respected,” he added.

Corporal punishment is carried out in Aceh for crimes including the sale or consumption of alcohol, gambling or meeting a person of the opposite sex, that is not your husband, wife or family member, in a private place.

According to data provided by local tourism authorities, there has been an increase in the number of visitors to Aceh, the province that was the epicentre of the massive 26 December 2004 tsunami which killed some 170,000 people and left thousands of others homeless.

In 2005, just over 4,000 international tourists and 320,000 Indonesian tourists visited the province.

Last year the number jumped to almost 5,000 international tourists and 410,000 Indonesians.

Hunai said this year the numbers appear to be similar to last year.

Supongo que se acabará el negocio cuando estos tribunales se impongan en la UE y en USA.

noviembre 24, 2007

Llegó el momento de apoyar la campaña de este hombre: El diputado por el Bloque Nacional ,Profesor ARYEH ELDAD.

por bajurtov

Que D’s bendiga a éste hómbre,por el bien de

Es nada menos que el hijo del patriota israelí Israel Eldad,sucesor de Yaír en la conduccion del LEHI.
Esta considerado como el mejor experto en cirujía plástica del país,salvó en ejercicio de su profesion a muchas víctimas de atentados terroristas.
Es tambien Brigadier General del Ejército ,en retíro,dónde aún sirve cómo reservista,ademas de ser Diputado en la Knesset,donde ocupa el importante cargo de Presidente de la Comision de Ética.
En el año 2005,fué expulsado de Gush Katif,junto a sus cinco hijos, por el siempre mal recordado Ariel Sharon.Residía entonces en Malé Adumim.
Lamentablemente,Aryeh Eldad,no tiene el lugar que le corresponde dentro del Bloque Nacional,donde suelen descartar a sus mejores hombres,como pasó en el caso de Palmaj Zeevi,el hijo de Gandhi,quien perdiera como candidato a presidente del Partido Moledet,frente al Rab Benny Alon.
Eldad,fundó un nuevo partido del Majané ha Leumí,llamado »TIKVÁ» (esperanza) y yo llamo desde la página de mi modesto blog a apoyarlo en su proyecto.
Hoy llegó el momento de apoyar al Diputado Profesor Aryeh Eldad,el único hombre capaz de salvar los destinos de la Patria Judía de manos de los traidores que nos gobiernan.
Aqui está su currículum:

Date of birth 1 May 1950 (1950-05-01) (age 57)
Knesset(s) 16th, 17th (current)
Party Moledet
(part of the National Union)
Prof. Aryeh Eldad, M.D. (Hebrew: אריה אלדד‎, also spelt Arie Eldad, born 1 May 1950) is a member of the Israeli Knesset and a physician. He belongs to the Moledet party, part of the National Union list in the Israeli Knesset.

Eldad was born in Tel Aviv in 1950. He is married with five children. His father, Israel Eldad, was a well known Israeli public thinker and formerly one of the leaders of the underground group Lehi. He is a resident of Kfar Adumim He is a Brigadier-General (reserves) in the Israel Defense Forces.

[edit] Medical career
Eldad is a professor and head of the plastic surgery and burns unit at the Hadassah Medical Center hospital in Jerusalem. He studied medicine at Tel Aviv University, where he earned his doctorate. He served as the chief medical officer and was the senior commander of the Israeli Defense Forces medical corps for 25 years and reached a rank of Tat Aluf (Brigadier General). He is renowned worldwide for his treatment of burns and won the Evans Award from the American Burns Treatment Association.

[edit] Political career
Eldad is the second member of parliament of the Moledet party (which is part of the National Union) and was hailed by the Israeli press (including Maariv and Yediot Aharonot) as an honest, hardworking, dedicated lawmaker. He heads the Ethics committee of the Knesset.

Eldad is a Revisionist Zionist who believes in the ideas of Zionist philosopher Zeev Jabotinsky. Eldad supports the right of Jews to live in any part of the Land of Israel and opposes any surrender of Israeli sovereignty to the PLO. Eldad supports Moledet’s plan to transfer the Palestinian Arabs to the Arab states. Eldad opposes the creation of any Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan River and called its possibility a «disaster».

Prior to the scheduled Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and the northern West Bank in August 2005, Eldad was the only member of parliament to call for non-violent civil disobedience as a tactic in the struggle against the government. Eldad even walked the few hundred kilometres between the now evacuated community of Sa-Nur (in Northern Samaria) to Neve Dekalim in order to attract attention to the opposition of the Withdrawal plan.

In the February 2006 dismantlement of the Amona outpost Eldad was injured during the confrontation between demonstrators and police as was his ally MK Effi Eitam. The event caused a storm of criticism on both sides, as interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert accused them of inciting the crowd to attack the police, and they accused Olmert and the police of reckless use of force. Eldad is the only secular Member of Knesset in the National Union party.

In August of 2007, a 10 member Homesh Knesset caucus met for the first time. This group is headed by Aryeh Eldad and includes Uri Ariel‎. The caucus’ mandate is to work to promote the reestablishment of Homesh – as a first step towards the return to all the places from which Jews were expelled during 2005. The group will work to build the legitimacy of the Homesh First group and support the resettlement of northwestern Shomron. Yossi Dagan, the leader of Homesh First, said that this achievement is a “significant milestone towards the return to Homesh.” [1]

noviembre 24, 2007

Ultimátum árabe a Bush: Sin Bargouthi no hay Annapolis

por bajurtov

Pollard adentro,Bar-
gouthi afuera.

La Liga Árabe participará en Annapolis con la condicion de que se trate alli el tema de la Meseta del Golan,su presidente,el egipcio Amer Mussa,ya advirtió al presidente americano que para israel no habrá »paz gratuita»,deberá ceder y mucho…Siria resultó beneficiada con esta nueva postura,ya que no tiene nada que perder si Israel no cede a las presiones,ya que el pais terrorista igualmente no participará de esa conferencia de paz para no hacer enojar a su dueño y patrón Iran.
Por otro lado,el viejo genocída de Munich y ma’alot,Abu Mazen,amenaza a último momento con no viajar a esa cumbre de la paz,si Israel no se compromete de antemano a soltar al archi-asesino,que cumple cinco cadenas perpetuas por varios asesinatos de ciudadanos israelíes,Marruan Bargouthi.
Y de Pollard no hablamos,Olmert…?